(951) 503756, (959) 784241820

Captain Soe Lwin

Captain Soe Lwin

Network Position: Chairman / Surveyor

Mobile:+95 1 5110473

Email: [email protected]

Nationality: Myanmar

Languages: English, Myanmar


Master Mariner, M. Sc (WMU – Sweden)

ISM/ ISPS/ ISO Lead Auditor


1963-1965 : Pre-sea at Navy Training School

1968 : Second Mate (F.G)

1970 : First Mate (F.G)

1974 : Master (F.G)

1988 – 1989 : M. Sc at World Maritime University (Malmo – Sweden)

Specialised Training

1997 onwards : ISO 9001/ 14001 Lead Auditor, ISM Auditor, ISPS Auditor, CDI Auditor

Train the Trainer and various short courses during my time with Lloyd’sRegister (Singapore)

Seagoing Experience

1965-1980 : Cadet to Master Burma Five Star Line (General Cargo)

Other Marine related Experiences

1980 – 1995 Surveyor/ Examiner to Principal Surveyor/ Principal Examiner at Department of Marine


1995 – 1997 : Lecturer at Malaysia Maritime Academy, Melaka, Malaysia

1997 – 2006 : Senior Surveyor/ Senior Assessor (ISM/ ISPS/ ISO) at Lloyd’s Register (Singapore)